Case Study: 3D scanning technology increases performance
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Vortex Exhaust Technology Ltd: 3D scanning technology increases performance

The MTC increases efficiency and reduces costs using 3D scanning systems to produce CAD models and reduce excessive manual operations.

The outputs allow us to make better decisions about using 3D scanning technology. The MTC bridges the gap between academia and industry and I would recommend them to other organisations, especially when it concerns knowledge of the current state-of-the-art in technology.
Mike Campbell, R&D Director, Vortex Exhaust Technology Ltd

The Challenge

The MTC was approached by Vortex Exhaust Technology Ltd to investigate using 3D scanning systems on exhausts, to reverse engineer and produce CAD models without excessive manual operations. The challenge for the MTC was to investigate methods to reduce the quantity of jigs stored onsite and improve performance simulation.

MTC’s Solution

The MTC identified the most appropriate 3D point cloud gathering system to use in the under-car environment, by comparing different low-cost metrology systems within the market against a known capability system at the MTC. We sourced a simulation software that can be adopted to improve the capability of Vortex’s process.

The Outcome

  • The MTC identified the most appropriate processing software and presented it to Vortex for converting a point cloud into a CAD model.
  • Vortex are now able to optimise their module position and design along the length of the exhaust by importing their CAD models into a simulation package.
  • They can now also develop their CAD technology further to reduce the amount of manual manufacturing.

Benefits to the Client

  • 3D point cloud gathering technology enables Vortex to scan an existing car exhaust and manufacture it to the correct size without a manual building process, reducing time and increasing efficiency.
  • Through virtual modification of exhausts, Vortex have reduced the time it takes to complete a unit and have upskilled their workforce.   
  • Increase in performance of the exhausts, making them more competitive.
We are very satisfied with the result and look forward to working with the MTC again in the future.
Mike Campbell, R&D Director, Vortex Exhaust Technology Ltd