EOS AMCM M290-2 Nlight
Revolutionising the world of additive manufacturing
A one-of-a-kind machine, pioneer in its area and an industry leader throughout additive manufacturing, the EOS AMCM M290-2 Nlight is enabling the unthinkable. Through a combination of laser and mechanical engineering expertise, the custom M290 is capable of machines parts up to 4x quicker than it's predecessor, and is revolutionising the world of additive manufacturing.
Key Stats
1.2kw Nlight Lasers
to switch beam modes
preheating temperature of the elevated baseplate temperature module
and below Argon purification unit

Increased build rate

Reduced time and cost

Improved material management

Smoother powder processing
Watch the video below to discover what the process of installing, commissioning and testing a one-of-a-kind machine consists of, as well as hearing from Joe C, an expert in all things additive as he discusses what the EOS AMCM M290-2 Nlight is capable of.
AMCM Enquiry
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