Science museum exhibit features MTC apprentices News Image 1

Science museum exhibit features MTC apprentices

  • Manufacturing

Two MTC Training apprentices are featuring in a permanent exhibit at London's Science Museum. The exhibit aims to promote STEM (science, technology and mathematics) subjects to youngsters.

The exhibit - "Technology Makes it Happen" - is supported by The Gatsby Foundation which is a charity established by David Sainsbury to promote science, education and the arts.

MTC Training apprentices Kieran Bullivant and Evadney Enock, who have completed their advanced manufacturing apprenticeships, feature in a video talking about their training and the opportunities that have opened up to them.

The exhibition, which opened at the end of last year, is scheduled to stay at the Science Museum for at least 10 years.

Kieran Bullivant said they were both privileged to promote a career in engineering and manufacturing, and help encourage youngsters into industry.

We really hope this exhibit will encourage youngsters from all backgrounds into engineering and manufacturing, and an apprenticeship is a great way to start. Apprenticeships give you hands-on experience with all the freedom of not being in thousands of pounds of debt. As well as being able to learn from the ground up, and get that insider knowledge from those who know it best, your experience makes you such a versatile asset to employers.

Kieran Bullivant, MTC

Kieran is a previous chair of the MTC's Tilly Shilling Initiative, which aims to encourage diversity and inclusivity in STEM subjects.

My MTC apprenticeship has allowed me to learn while I earn and has opened up a fantastic career path for me. Through my apprenticeship programme I now have skills that will benefit me for years to come.

Evadney Enock, MTC

Science museum exhibit features MTC apprentices News Image 2

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Skills & training

Skills and training are vital to ensure the manufacturing workforce continues to adapt to be competitive, profitable and meet the needs of the future. MTC Training provides tailored training programmes for existing staff, as well as apprenticeships, with multiple training sites across the country. Learners have access to state-of-the-art technology and real-life industry experience.

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